A 13-story condominium project in downtown Reno, Nevada. In 2006, the court appointed receiver, Dave Clark and bank, Merrill Lynch, asked Bob Herman to take over and complete this project that was in trouble. Allco Construction successfully completed the project as well as performing upgrade work in a number of high end units on schedule therefore expediting the sale of the units.
Located on the Truckee River, this high rise building features luxurious condominiums. Amenities include a swimming pool and spa with retail shops on the ground floor.
When the court appointed me as receiver for Merryll Lynch Capitol we hired Allco construction to get the project back on track and completed. Allco took over a very difficult project, assembled a great team and made the project a complete success.
After suffering serious financial trouble and lengthy construction delays, The Palladio, a 13 story condominium tower in Reno Nevada, went into a court ordered receivership. The lenders, Merrill Lynch Capital, hired Allco Construction to get the project back on track and completed. Within a very short time frame Allco was able to regain the momentum lost on the project, maintain a workable budget within the constraints of Merrill Lynch Capital, and complete the project to the satisfaction of the many home owners who had been waiting over 18 months to move into their new homes. As a representative of the receivership, I was very impressed by Allco’s ability to take over such a difficult project and make it a success.